A VX600 unit can drive up to 3.9 сая пиксел, with the maximum output width and height up to 10,240 pixels and 8192 пиксел тус тус, which is ideal for ultra-wide and ultra-high LED screens.
The VX600 is capable of receiving a variety of video signals and processing high-resolution images. Нэмж хэлэхэд, төхөөрөмж нь шатлалгүй гаралтын масштабтай, бага хоцролт, пикселийн түвшний тод байдал, өнгө тохируулга гэх мэт, танд зураг харуулах гайхалтай туршлагыг бэлэглэх болно.
Өөр юу байна, the VX600 can work with NovaStar’s supreme software NovaLCT and V-Can to greatly facilitate your infield operations and control, дэлгэцийн тохиргоо гэх мэт, Ethernet портын нөөцлөлтийн тохиргоо, давхаргын удирдлага, урьдчилан тохируулсан удирдлага болон програм хангамжийн шинэчлэл. Хүчирхэг видео боловсруулах, илгээх чадвар болон бусад гайхалтай боломжуудын ачаар, the VX600 can be widely used in applications such as medium and high-end rental, тайзны хяналтын систем, нарийн ширхэгтэй LED дэлгэц.
Онцлог шинж чанарууд
·Input connectors
− 1x HDMI 1.3 (IN & LOOP)
− 1x HDMI 1.3
− 1x DVI (IN & LOOP)
− 1x 3G-SDI (IN & LOOP)
− 1x 10G optical fiber port (OPT1)
·Output connectors
− 6x Gigabit Ethernet ports
A single device unit drives up to 3.9 сая пиксел, with a maximum width of 10,240 pixels and a maximum height of 8192 пиксел.
− 2x Fiber outputs
OPT 1 copies the output on 6 Ethernet портууд.
OPT 2 copies or backs up the output on 6 Ethernet портууд.
− 1x HDMI 1.3
For monitoring or video output
·Self-adaptive OPT 1 for either video input or sending card output Thanks to the self-adaptive design, OPT 1 can be used as either an input or output connector, depending on its connected device.
·Audio input and output
− Audio input accompanied with HDMI input source
− Audio output via a multifunction card
− Output volume adjustment supported
·Low latency
Reduce the delay from the input to receiving card to 20 lines when the low latency function and Bypass mode are both enabled.
·3x layers
− Adjustable layer size and position
− Adjustable layer priority
·Output synchronization
An internal input source or external Genlock can be used as the sync source to ensure the output images of all cascaded units in sync.
·Powerful video processing
− Based on SuperView III image quality
processing technologies to provide stepless
output scaling
− One-click full screen display
− Free input cropping