Kif tikkontrolla u ttejjeb il-kwalità tal-ħajt tal-vidjo tal-wiri tal-kulur LED sħiħ

L-effett tal-wiri tal-iskrin tal-wiri LED b'kulur sħiħ huwa direttament relatat mal-utenti u l-udjenzi. In order to obtain a perfect use experience, it is necessary to control and improve the quality of LED display screen. Allura, how to control and improve the quality of LED full-color display? What are the important indicators that reflect the quality of special LED for full-color LED display?

ħajt immexxi
As the most critical component of full-color Skrin tal-wiri LED, LED devices have three reasons:
L-ewwel ħaġa, LED is the most used key device in the full-color screen, and thousands to tens of thousands of LEDs will be used per square meter;
It-tieni, LED is the main body that determines the optical display performance of the whole screen, which directly affects the audience’s evaluation of the display screen;
Thirdly, LEDs account for the largest proportion in the overall cost of the display screen, ranging from 30% għal 70%. L-għażla ta 'LEDs tiddetermina l-kwalità ta' aktar minn 50% tal-iskrin tal-wiri kollu. Jekk l-LED ma jintgħażelx kif suppost, ma jimpurtax kemm huma tajbin il-partijiet l-oħra tal-iskrin tal-wiri, ma jistgħux jagħmlu tajjeb għad-difetti fil-kwalità tal-iskrin tal-wiri.
Kliem ewlieni: Wirja LED; Display LED Guangzhou; Spazjar żgħir wassal HD skrin kbir; Manifatturi tal-wiri LED; Display elettroniku LED; Kwotazzjoni tal-wiri LED; Skrin ta 'reklamar LED; Skrin elettroniku LED; Marka tad-displej LED high-end; LED wiri b'kulur sħiħ; Skrin LED; Wiri LED fuq barra; Wiri LED fuq ġewwa; LED skrin kbir; Skrin LED kbir

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