LED displeylari uchun NovaStar LED ekrani All-in-one kontroller video protsessori VX4S
Umumiy nuqtai :
VX4S professional LED displey tekshiruvi. Displeyni boshqarish funktsiyasidan tashqari, Bundan tashqari, kuchli oldingi ishlov berish xususiyatlari, shuning uchun tashqi skalyar endi kerak emas. Birlashtirilgan professional interfeyslar bilan, VX4S mukammal tasvir sifati va moslashuvchan tasvirni boshqarish bilan translyatsiya sanoatining ehtiyojlarini to'liq qondiradi, Foydalanuvchi interfeysida do'stona. displey hech qachon VX4S kabi oson va yoqimli bo'lmagan
Xususiyatlari :
- VX4S kirishlari CVBS × 2 ni o'z ichiga oladi, VGA × 2, DVI × 1, HDMI × 1 , DP × 1 va SDI × 1. Ular 1920 × 1200 gacha bo'lgan kirish o'lchamlarini qo'llab-quvvatlaydi; VX4S-ning kirish tasvirlarini ekran o'lchamlari bo'yicha nuqta-nuqta kattalashtirish mumkin.
- Provide seamless high-speed switching and fade-in/ fade-out effect so as to strengthen and display picture demonstration of professional quality.
- PIP-ning joylashuvi va hajmi ikkalasini ham sozlashi mumkin, bu o'z xohishiga ko'ra boshqarilishi mumkin.
- NovaStar G4 dvigatelini qabul qiling; ekran barqaror va miltillamaydi
skanerlash chiziqlari; the images are exquisite and have a good sense of depth. - Can implement white balance calibration and color gamut mapping based on different features of LEDs used by screens to ensure reproduction of true colors.
- HDMI / tashqi audio kirish.
- 10bit / 8bit HD video manbai;
- Yuklash hajmi: 2.3 million piksel.
- Katta ekranni yuklash uchun bir nechta boshqaruvchi montajini qo'llab-quvvatlang.
- Support NovaStar’s new-generation point-by-point calibration technology; the calibration is fast and efficient.
- Computer software for system configuration is not necessary. The system can be configured using one knob and one button. All operations can be done in a few steps. That’s what we call Easy Screen Configuration!
- Adopt an innovative architecture to implement smart configuration; The
screen debugging can be completed within several minutes; greatly shorten the preparation time on the stage. - An intuitive LCD display interface and clear button light hint simplify the control of the system.